How to perform our photos at result of Google Search Engine?

Nowdays Google gave some new somethings for us. The first, he gave social media i.e. Plus Google. The Second, he gave language support in Indonesia in Google AdSense. The third, he gave progress at his serach engine i.e. he performed our photos in his search engine result. We have to thank to Google, because he has given special somehting for us as netizen.

In this opportunity, I want to provide some information about how to perform our photos at result of Google Search Engine?. Why our photo are important to be performed in result of Google? Because it will increase traffic rate in our blog or web.

There are some steps which can be done to perform our photos in Google result. It will be described as follow:

The first, our blogs have to use Blogger. Because Blogger and Google are partner. If our blog use Wordpress and others, it can not perform our photos in Google result.

The second, we have to sign up to Google Plus. If we have already had Gmail or Blogger account, we need only enter in Google Plus site, and then we choose agree about Term of Service (TOS) to use Google Plus.

The third, we choose our profile photo which is used in Google Plus. I suggest that you use original photo in your profile, and your face have to be seen as well as possible.

The fourth, if the above steps were completed by us, please wait some hours, and we will see its result in Google.

I think this step is so easy to be done by you. Maybe you only need some minutes to do this tips, and you will see its result. I this this tips is very important to increase trafic rate in our blogs, because it will give sure to visitor that our blog are really managed by someone, not robots. I think you have to try this tips, so that you can understand about this. Good luck.

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