When you go to Manage Categories, select them all (which must be done one by one) and choose delete, it only deletes the first one selected. For it seems the multiple selection functions only to assign drivers, not to delete or rename them. Doing it one by one will take an entire day of clicking for sure. Therefore I used the following PowerShell command, which does the job in seconds..
Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\sms\site_xxx" -Class "SMS_CategoryInstance" | ? { $_.CategoryTypeName -eq "DriverCategories" -and $_.LocalizedCategoryInstanceName -like "yyy" } | % { Write-Host "Deleting category $($_.LocalizedCategoryInstanceName)..."; $_.Delete() }
Just make sure to rename the site code "xxx" in the WMI namespace and "yyy" with "E7250_7250" or another model. After that the ConfigMgr database will be clean and clear again :-)
Source: Delete multiple driver admin categories?
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