Failed to download updates to the WUAgent datastore. Error = 0x800b0109

With Shavlik Patch it's possible to download and publish third-party updates within the ConfigMgr console. Other products with comparable functionality are Secunia and Lumension. During a Shavlik Patch implementation, third-party updates on Adobe Reader and Mozilla Firefox didn't want to install. Updates were published without issue but they fail to install on the client. The following error was shown in WUAHandler.log: Failed to download updates to the WUAgent datastore. Error = 0x800b0109

Trick is, you must publish Self signed certificates in the local computer Trusted Publishers and Trusted Root Certification Authorities store and you will need to enable 'Allow signed updates from an intranet Microsoft update service location' as well.

Import the WSUS self signed certificate to the client computer's Trusted Publishers and Trusted Root Certification Authorities and to change this setting in GPO.

Create a GPO which will import this certificate and enable 'Allow signed updates from an intranet Microsoft update service location'.

After creating the GPO and make the necessary changes, both Adobe Reader and Mozilla Firefox updates were installed successfully.

Just great to use ConfigMgr for both Microsoft and third-party updates, within the same console! As you can see Adobe Reader (11.0.11) and Mozilla Firefox (38.0.5) are installed successfully now.

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