My experience on the Microsoft 70-695 and 70-696 exams

Recently I did both Microsoft 70-695 and 70-696 exams. Because the exams are available since January 2015, they are quite new. Let's have a look at my experience on this.

Exam 70-695 is about Deploying Windows Devices and Enterprise Apps

The exams covers the following topics:
-Implement an operating system deployment infrastructure (21%)
-Implement a Lite-Touch deployment (18%)
-Implement a Zero-Touch deployment (20%)
-Create and maintain desktop images (21%)
-Prepare and deploy the VDI application environment (20%)

Exam 70-696 is about Managing Enterprise Devices and Apps

The exams cover the following topics:
-Deploy and manage virtual applications (14%)
-Deploy and manage desktop and mobile applications (15%)
-Plan and implement software updates (16%)
-Manage compliance and endpoint protection settings (15%)
-Manage Configuration Manager clients (15%)
-Manage inventory using Configuration Manager (12%)
-Provision and manage mobile devices (12%)

Both exams will present you with a mixture of cases and multiple choice questions. There will be 50 questions in total, with 150 minutes time at maximum. This is kind of hard, because you don't know before start how many cases you have. Once a case is closed, you can't go back anymore. You must also study the cases above of reading the questions. In both exams I used all time available to answer the questions.

On exam 70-695 I had 4 cases with 22 questions in total. After that I had 28 multiple choice questions. I did use all my time for this, but it was enough. This because of the order in cases and multiple choice questions.
On exam 70-696 I started with 24 multiple choice questions, where I did take to much time. After that I had 4 cases with 26 questions in total, but I did must hurry to handle them all. In the last minutes and seconds I answered the last questions.

When time is up you are presented with the score immediately.

Lucky me (I did quite a lot of study and doing practice a lot) I passed both exams on first try. I used both Microsoft Exam Refs for studying. These books are quite nice and have a lot of practice questions as well. In my case this was enough to finish both exams :-)

Just have a look at this website for more information:
MS Learning: Deploying Windows Devices and Enterprise Apps

MS Learning: Managing Enterprise Devices and Apps
MS Press: Deploying Windows Devices and Enterprise Apps
MS Press: Managing Enterprise Devices and Apps

Exam Prep Session for Exam 70- 695 and Exam 70-696: Enterprise Devices and Apps (Part 1)

Exam Prep Session for Exam 70-695 and Exam 70-696: Enterprise Devices and Apps (Part 2)

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