Remove default Apps from Windows 10 during deployment

After a clean Windows 10 deployment, the image contains a lot of default apps. Within the Enterprise edition you can think about Solitaire, Candy Crush and Minecraft. You can remove them (per user) when combining them in a PowerShell script and execute it during user logon. The following cmdlets can be used to remove them:

Get-AppxPackage | select packagefullname (This will generate a list of all apps installed)

Get-AppxPackage *<APPX package name>* | Remove-AppxPackage (This will remove apps installed for the current user)

Get-AppxPackage -User <user> *<APPX package name>* | Remove-AppxPackage (This will remove apps installed for a specific user)

Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers <user> *<APPX package name>* | Remove-AppxPackage (This will remove apps installed for all users)

Create a PowerShell script with all lines needed and put it in Group Policy. Then default apps will be removed when the user logons. Nice too see that Windows 10 can be fully managed this way.

There's a PowerShell script available too, which can remove default apps from the WIM image, instead of using it during a task sequence. You can find it in the Microsoft TechNet Gallery.

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