Upgrade ConfigMgr Current Branch to build 1602 (prerequisite check)

This week I did an upgrade of ConfigMgr Current Branch (1511) to build 1602. Where updates before were based on service packs or cumulative updates, this one is done through the Service connection point. When no update is seen in the console, download the script EnableUpdateRing, which will activate it. (Right click and Save As to download. Rename the .txt extension to .ps1 after downloading)

- Run the ps1 script EnableUpdateRing
- New updates are checked for every 24h so if you don't see it yet, restart SMS_DMP_Downloader service from ConfigMgr Service Manager.
- Monitor download from dmpdownloader.log
- Run Update from Updates and Servicing

In my situation the download started immediately after running the script and restarting the service.

After that content is downloaded to the ConfigMgr\EasySetupPayLoad folder.

IMPORTANT NOTE: As a temporary workaround if the update installation is suspended at “Downloading” state for extended period of time, restart the SMS_EXECUTIVE (smsexec) service on the standalone primary or central administration site server (CAS).

When download is complete the status will be changed to Available.

When rightclick on "Install Update Pack" or "Run prerequisite check" you can start right away. I did run the prereq check first, which gave me an error on free disk space. There was around 12,4GB free space, but apparently this was not enough?

[Failed]:Checks that the site server computer has sufficient available disk space to install the site server.

Therefore I added 25GB extra disk space and after that the prereq check was running fine. So next time make sure you have free disk space enough on the drive where ConfigMgr is installed :-)

When prereqs are fine you can go further with installing the update pack. Stay tuned for more soon!

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