Lessons learned from WMUG and SCUG last month (part 1)

Last month (June 2016) I went to both Windows Management User Group (WMUG) and System Center User Group (SCUG). Both with great sessions and speakers. On WMUG both Mirko Colemberg and Mike Terrill were speaking. On SCUG I listen to Pieter Wigleven, Stefan van der Wiele, Mirko Colemberg and Peter Daalmans. Let's have a look at some notes taken.

WMUG #1 (Mirko Colemberg)
-Integrate Windows Store for Business (WSfB) in ConfigMgr 1605TP or 1606 directly. Just advertise them within ConfigMgr directly.
-Assign to users or user groups? Also for user groups! (WSfB)
-Wsreset.exe = reset the store (when it's malfunction)
-You can drawback apps too! Then the user cannot open the app anymore.
-Block Windows 10 Public Store using Microsoft Intune (but still allow the business store) > Microsoft
-Integration in MS Intune available, all apps are visible there too! Just advertise them within MS Intune directly.
-Use developer.microsoft.com for creating LOB apps yourself.
-Some Windows 10 apps are for Mobile usage only, others for Desktops usage.
-Apps can be used online and (sometimes) offline. It depends..
-Use PowerShell for adding APPX packages, not the CM or Intune wizard.

More on WSfB here: Using the new Windows Store for Business for apps on Windows devices

WMUG #2 (Mike Terrill)
-Using Resource Explorer to watch BIOS and UEFI information on Dell, HP and Lenovo systems.
-For Windows 10 Redstone you need ConfigMgr Current Branch, not 2012 (R2) anymore (because not supported)
-Using 1507 (RTM) or 1511 boot images? Hotfix needed for 1511, so better use the 1507 bits.
-Upgrade BIOS versions during task sequence possible! Need to test this myself first, and report later.
-Download package content > task sequence working directory (for reference packages)
-Dell systems: Use Dell Client Configuration Utility > Download
-HP systems: Use HP BIOS Configuration Utility > Download
-Lenovo systems: Use BIOS Deployment Guide > Download
-New dynamic variables available within ConfigMgr builds
-Using 1E’s Free Tools > Download

More on UEFI here: Choosing between BIOS (Legacy) or UEFI during deployment

Stay tuned for more information in a next blogpost!

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